This stuffed butternut squash ensures that you are getting plenty of beta-carotene. It can be roasted from start to finish in under an hour; our slogan at this site is slow food, made fast.
The filling adds a nutty-flavour; using an apple, almonds and spinach makes this into a very wholesome dish.
You could in fact use any squash and another green like kale instead of spinach; better still a mixture of the two.
The oxylates in spinach incidentally do not cause kidney stones; it has been categorically proven[5].
Cooking for wellness with sound nutritional principles need not be arduous; keep it simple.
Combining different coloured foods that complement each other is what it's all about.
Apparently half a million children go blind every year because of a vitamin-A deficiency[4]; this stuffed butternut squash twice a week would save them from a life of misery.
Stuffed butternut squash is an easy way to roast these beauties. By adding the nutritional virtues of other items like the spinach, the almonds and the feta cheese it is now a delicious whole meal; with plenty of protein, unrefined carbohydrate and healthy fatty-acids.
The very special phytonutrients like beta-carotenes, lutein and the folate turn this into an appetising, non-fattening meal that will do little to raise your blood glucose; with a host of minerals too.
If concerned, take a brisk ten minute walk so the sugars would be turned into glycogen instead of disturbing your insulin output. Read more on that subject at investing in long-term health.
Type 2 diabetes is a pernicious disease caused primarily by chronic over-consumption of refined carbs. Perhaps your BMI is around 30 or God forbid higher, and you are concerned about starches; rightly so. Butternut has a low glycemic index of 51 according to Livestrong[1], perhaps a touch higher because it has been roasted, but reduced by the added protein and healthy fats.
Intrinsically butternut and all squash are a very nutritious and beneficial vegetables for everybody and especially diabetics[2]; the high fibre content alone helps keep us regular making it a star.
If you are overweight, simply have a smaller portion to limit the glycemic-load. Avoid foods like this stuffed butternut squash at your peril.
Livestrong state that the glycemic-index of butternut is a low 51[3]; better still, based on a 1/3 of a cup has a starch load of only 3. It's all the fibre that keeps the net carbs so minimal.
Western civilization eats less than half the recommended amount of fibre; that's why colorectal tumours abound.
Is going to the toilet a misery? Normal faeces should look like a long, thin snake. A bowel-movement should take no more than a few minutes.
Smoothies are another way of getting very nutritious foods into us. Again keep the banana down to a quarter to minimise the glycemic load.
Made with freshly-ground nuts and seeds this perfect butternut smoothie is an excellent way to start the day; again, we add a young leaf of kale or spinach.
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