If Bernard Preston's inspirational books do not awaken in you the desire to live long in the land, then alas I have failed! Oh yes, and the desire to sit under those trees you once planted, to nurture those grandchildren you have borne.
Alas, sometimes it takes a fist banging on the skull, or a pick axe to break open the frozen sea within us. Is poor health trying to tell you something...? Just where are you planning to live, if you don't look after your bod, eh?
Stuffed butternut squash ensures you and particularly the children are getting plenty of beta-carotene; it can be cooked from start to finish in under an hour.
Continue reading "Stuffed butternut squash is an easy way to roast these beauties."
Stunting story recommends local mills for true 100% wholemeal wheat and maize; once cracked the oils begin to spoil.
Continue reading "Stunting story recommends local mills for freshly-ground grains."
My journey with the threat of Covid-19 led me against all odds, with no regrets to being doubly vaccinated. But more important I also dealt with my prediabetes.
Continue reading "My journey with the threat of Covid-19 has nothing to do with fear."
Blaise Pascal finds himself revealing that each person must indeed in the night of fire not seek to run; the Hound of Heaven, lover of our souls pursues us.
Continue reading "Blaise Pascal finds himself helps us discover our own true identities."
Can I make Dijon mustard is thankfully simply answered with an emphatic yes; at a fraction of the price and with none of the chemicals loved by food companies.
Continue reading "Can I make Dijon mustard is a question that has an easy reply."
Frailty and vitamin E must be taken seriously if we are to avoid an early slip into pain and disability.
Continue reading "Frailty and vitamin E mean looking for whole grains, seeds and nuts."
Treat brother ass kindly, feeding him properly and making sure he gets plenty of exercise; he bears not only you but also the Almighty.
Continue reading "Treat brother ass kindly or he may turn and bite his owner."
Super smoothies give the satiety we all need, stopping the mid-morning angst in its tracks; countering the desire for a cola and a snack.
Continue reading "Super smoothies can provide quick, nutritious breakfasts."
Stop compromising fava beans raises their glycemic index alarmingly; it removes much of the fibre turning them into an ultra-processed food.
Continue reading "Stop compromising fava beans by skinning off the waxy sheaths."
How to plant broad beans as they are very high in vegetable protein and B vitamins; also the only source of L-dopa for those with a neurodegenerative disease.
Continue reading "How to plant broad beans in spring and autumn helps with PD. "
Bicarb deodorant means less noxious chemicals breathed in or smeared in the armpit. Raising the pH discourages the bacteria that produce an unpleasant stink.
Continue reading "Bicarb deodorant is effective and inexpensive but no anti-perspirant."
Corn flour milling machine is about the only way to obtain freshly-ground porridge for home use.
Continue reading "Corn flour milling machine could use rollers, hammers or stones."
Honey brown beer is at least fifty-times as nice as any from the liquor store; you can be sure noxious chemicals haven't been added. It is known as a braggot.
Continue reading "Honey brown beer is not in the slightest bit difficult using a kit."
How do net carbs work makes us able to distinguish between those that make us obese and some that are actually extremely nutritous and good for us.
Continue reading "How do net carbs work? Now you can get your weight under control."
4x4 interval training for fatty liver disease together with a restricted carb diet greatly improves the outcome of an otherwise terminal condition.
Continue reading "4x4 interval training for fatty liver disease takes 90 minutes weekly."
What is a worm farm gives some thoughts on locating food for your helminths. They will clean up not only the contents of your compost bin but a lot more too.
Continue reading "What is a worm farm is a question new gardeners may be asking."
Influence of carbohydrate consumption on pancreatic function proves that the beta-cells can recover if the body is starved of starches and sugars for a period.
Continue reading "Influence of carbohydrate consumption on pancreatic function."
How to grow turmeric: A lesson in patience but worth every moment for any who are suffering with rheumatoid arthritis or type 2 diabetes.
Continue reading "How to grow turmeric: A lesson in patience for those eager to garden."
Who will save the bees? Their pollination of our food sources is responsible for one in four mouthfuls of what we eat.
Continue reading "Who will save the bees is a question every human should be asking."
Anti-inflammatory omega 3 finds research that fatty fish too has an effect as powerful as NSAIDs in the treatment of arthritis; also limits disability in MS.
Continue reading "Anti-inflammatory omega 3 notes the fact that flaxseed kills pain."
Mashed potatoes with sauerkraut slows gastric emptying meaning this dish will give less of a glucose spike; the metabolites from the probiotic are so good too.
Continue reading "Mashed potatoes with sauerkraut make a tastier way of using up spuds."
Food prices in South Africa are soaring but it's not rocket-science to grow a mountain of fruit and vegetables in a well organised garden.
Continue reading "Food prices in South Africa trend ever upwards cry the headlines."
Does turmeric help with inflammation is a question often asked by those suffering from arthritis, for example in the knees and fingers.
Continue reading "Does turmeric help with inflammation of the joints and other organs?"
Get your calcium from kefir because the experts are now saying there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease from supplements; and start walking daily.
Continue reading "Get your calcium from kefir and the vitamin D from sunshine."
How much plastic is in the human brain has surprised the scientists. They thought that the filtering organs, kidney and liver would be the chief receptacles.
Continue reading "How much plastic is in the human brain has a scary answer."
How is apple cider made shows it is very simple to ferment; you could turn this into a real hobby, perfecting your brewing techniques.
Continue reading "How is apple cider made will only be asked if you have surplus fruit."
Creamed midsummer zucchini squash soup recipe for one of the few veggies that supplies both the nutrients proven to prevent adult-onset macular degeneration.
Continue reading "Creamed midsummer zucchini squash soup recipe for use of that glut."
Stunting story suggests scenarios to restore harmony and balance in the war between those simply profiteering from ultra-refined foods and nutritionists.
Continue reading "Stunting story suggests scenarios to restore harmony and balance."
Holy potatoes grown in alter-flower compost are rich in resistant starch; much passes through to the colon to feed the microbiome. They don't need to be peeled.
Continue reading "Holy potatoes grown in alter-flower compost have a low GI."
Vitamin E dosage is essential but alpha tocopherol, the commonest isomer on its own raises the risk of prostate cancer. Naturally it comes with 7 other forms.
Continue reading "Vitamin E dosage is for the anti-sterility hormone."
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