If Bernard Preston's inspirational books do not awaken in you the desire to live long in the land, then alas I have failed! Oh yes, and the desire to sit under those trees you once planted, to nurture those grandchildren you have borne.
Alas, sometimes it takes a fist banging on the skull, or a pick axe to break open the frozen sea within us. Is poor health trying to tell you something...? Just where are you planning to live, if you don't look after your bod, eh?
Holy potatoes grown in alter-flower compost are rich in resistant starch; much passes through to the colon to feed the microbiome. They don't need to be peeled.
Continue reading "Holy potatoes grown in alter-flower compost have a low GI."
Vitamin E dosage is essential but alpha tocopherol, the commonest isomer on its own raises the risk of prostate cancer. Naturally it comes with 7 other forms.
Continue reading "Vitamin E dosage is for the anti-sterility hormone."
What is the quality test of carbohydrates that are so strongly suspected by the general public of causing weight gain, insulin resistance and CV disease?
Continue reading "What is the quality test of carbohydrates and why is it important?"
Repeated loss and gain of weight known as "cycling" causes a 40% drop in kidney function in diabetics; but it affects us all negatively.
Continue reading "Repeated loss and gain of weight is downright dangerous for health."
Do green beans need a trellis to climb on? The canes should be at least 3m long; press them about 40cm into the soil. Treated wattle intingus are also good.
Continue reading "Do green beans need a trellis to climb on? We will use bamboo."
Is flossing good for your teeth and is it true that it may help your brain too?
Continue reading "Is flossing good for your teeth and how often should it be done?"
Fried eggplant recipe is a special gift for those with high cholesterol. I love it on a slice of well-buttered artisan sourdough bread.
Continue reading "Fried eggplant recipe is definitely my single most favourite food."
Why medication for weight loss doesn't work but a change of lifestyle will have a dramatic effect on energy levels and success in restoring health.
Continue reading "Why medication for weight loss doesn't work long term."
Old hives for traps may be easy but requeening and splitting colonies would also achieve other important goals.
Continue reading "Old hives for traps are the simplest way to increase the apiary."
Are whole grains good for breast cancer patients? Why is all the discussion about early detection and so little about prevention?
Continue reading "Are whole grains good for breast cancer patients? It's about lignans."
Darwin's theory of natural selection seems to be inordinately difficult for fundamentalists but not at all for Christians from a scientific background.
Continue reading "Darwin's theory of natural selection; created by design or accident?"
100 percent real flour points out that most commercial bakers use a fake that masquerades as the genuine article to make their bread.
Continue reading "100 percent real flour contains all the vitamins, minerals and fibre."
How to get more fiber from our food will probably have a greater effect and make a larger contribution to our wellness than almost any other factor.
Continue reading "How to get more fiber to support those friendly bugs in the guts."
Beginners' beekeeping day is where you will learn the basics and can avoid a few common but potentially dangerous mistakes. Stings may kill innocent bystanders.
Continue reading "Beginners' beekeeping day is a very good place to start."
End of winter chores at our green home include opening the compost-heap which can be tiring but done mindfully is not so bothersome.
Continue reading "End of winter chores means climbing up ladders to clean gutters."
What is a fasting blood sugar level for a diabetic? It's not reliable for those anxious about progressing from insulin resistance to the full-blown disease.
Continue reading "What is a fasting blood sugar level for a diabetic?"
Broad beans on toast would be called an antipasta in Italy; high in vegetable protein with added chopped boiled egg or cheese, this is a very satisfying dish.
Continue reading "Broad beans on toast make a wholesome meal in ten minutes."
What food has the most vitamin B6 that along with three other equally important micronutrients all help to prevent us from becoming feeble long before our time?
Continue reading "What food has the most vitamin B6, part of the anti-frailty group?"
Irish potato leek soup should be enjoyed cold but has many variations; try adding some salmon for a complete dinner. In France it is known as vichyssoise.
Continue reading "Irish potato leek soup is so delicious and very easy to make. "
Are eggs good or bad is a question that has at least in part been finally answered; it depends also on what else you are eating.
Continue reading "Are eggs good or bad has bedevilled nutritional scientists."
10 top anti-inflammatory foods is for those who desire to live long, healthy lives; without many strong medicines.
Continue reading "10 top anti-inflammatory foods to counter the chronic diseases."
Canned versus dried chickpeas reveals that the convenience in making your quick hummus comes at a price.
Continue reading "Canned versus dried chickpeas asks if it is worth the schlep."
How to cook and freeze dried chickpeas are simple tasks taking no more than fifteen-minutes of your time; instantly ready for hummus, soups and as a thickener.
Continue reading "How to cook and freeze dried chickpeas makes them readily available."
My favourite kitchen appliances include the induction-stove and the stick blender. The wheat grinder and bread oven rank very highly too. Kiss the iron goodbye.
Continue reading "My favourite kitchen appliances are perhaps rather different to yours."
What is starch in food is a question many obese people are asking; is it bad for us?
Continue reading "What is starch in food is central to preparing our meals."
How do you thicken curried green beans if you are prediabetic and are looking for less glycaemic ways of enhancing your food?
Continue reading "How do you thicken curried green beans without using cornstarch?"
Walnuts blood pressure together with linseed oil reduces inflammation in the body; particularly of the intima of arteries and veins.
Continue reading "Walnuts blood pressure brings new findings about an omega-3 link."
Tobacco, obesity and alcohol are three preventable causes of cancer; together they needlessly result in millions of deaths each year.
Continue reading "Tobacco, obesity and alcohol are three preventable causes of cancer."
Leg strength and longevity looks at balance, walking speed and the quadriceps muscles. Lifestyle changes if you can stick to them profoundly affect wellness.
Continue reading "Leg strength and longevity are closely correlated."
A time to sow is a season of joy; mealies, peppadew seedlings and spinach must be planted when the soil warms up. The it's the broad beans and peas in autumn.
Continue reading "A time to sow in spring is for a wonderful harvest in the summer."
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