Bats in my Belfry by chiropractor Bernard Preston makes great bedside reading.
You are invited into the intimacy of my consulting rooms; experience for yourself the relationships that tease, challenge and disturb doctors of every ilk. This is my second book of amusing short stories.
These are inspirational books that will not only make you laugh, and sometimes cry but you will also be challenged to make the changes that will better your health.
"Or you can be the person or the organization that's interesting.
The thing about being interesting, making a ruckus and creating remarkable products is that you only have to be that way once in a while.
No one is expected to be magnetic and interesting all the time."
Seth Godin
PS. EVERY chapter in Bats is interesting. Only half a dozen make a ruckus!
Last week you gave a talk to my class at the Durban University of Technology. I bought your book before you left and I am just emailing to say thank you very much for writing these wonderful stories. I hope that I will grow to be a richly experienced chiropractor with many interesting and insightful tales like the ones you have shared.
This book will always have a special place in my library and I know I will return to it many times in the years to come.
I hope you will write more! Good luck with your future endeavours.
Kind regards
Fresh from a case that threatened his integrity, Bernard Preston finds himself contemplating giving up practice. "The chiropractic shoe is pinching my foot," says he. Helped by the wisdom of his wife, the thrill of his hobbies and the support of friends can the burnt-out doctor regain balance again in his skewed life?
Preston tells of the inner pain that many and perhaps most doctors experience periodically; and the joys of seeing patients regaining control of their lives, once governed by disabling agony and poor health.
Forget your
personal aches and pains as you immerse yourself in these true-life
experiences. Expect to be stretched as you discover how Preston badgers
his patients into happier and healthier lifestyles; an inspirational book costing only about $3 on your tablet, smartphone or Kindle.
Context is everything. Preston addresses the bitter conflict that continues within the ranks. It remains a matter of debate whether the successful struggle of DCs to find a place in the sun has more to do with the healing power in their hands or their belated ability to organise themselves into a cohesive profession.
From sheer perverse obstinacy, for over a century some still continue to stab their colleagues in the back.
One thousand persons are dying every day in South Africa from the dreaded disease, HIV-AIDS. Bernard Preston is faced with a difficult dilemma at the coalface; and comes up with a controversial stand point.
The causes of the epidemic are complex. At the centre is the denialism of the government of South Africa. It so frustrated Jimmy Carter on a visit to SA that he confessed he nearly punched President Thabo Mbeki. He didn't but the public eventually did.
"Never lend books, for no one ever returns them.
The only books I have in my library are those that other folks have lent me."
- Anatole Francois Thibault (Anatole France)
"Keep only those special gems that you know you will return to for wisdom and fun. For the rest, gladly pass them on for others to enjoy."
- Bernard Preston
Bats in my belfry is a book of carefully crafted short stories; gems both funny and healthful from the life and work of Dr Bernard Preston, DC.
There is not one of us that does not thrive on praise. It costs so little and makes such a difference to another's life.
Not that there is no place for criticism. One of the reasons that Frog and Bats are such good books is that editors and readers took much time and effort to make positive comments.
It is not an editor's job to be kind! And every writer must have a thick skin.
I am delighted to
be able to share with you the enthusiastic comments from many readers. Are there no negatives? Of course not, I've expunged them. For details, Bats in my Belfry reviews.
Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.
Here are the back issues.
Bernard Preston is a semiretired DC, living in the Midlands of South Africa.
Enjoying more time for writing, he is now busy with his seventh book and makes time for being a greenie and a solar geek.
Nutritious choice foods and Blue Zone longevity are now the thrust of his life; and becoming independent of the unreliable utility companies in South Africa.
The L-dopa in broad beans has greatly helped the tremor in his right hand; this too has become a profound interest[1].
There are very few books worth reading twice considering that, if you enjoy just one a month, you will only get through 500 odd tomes in your whole lifetime. Buy BATS IN MY BELFRY and pass it on to as many friends as you like. And don't forget to include your doctor and DC!
Did you know that in Great Britain alone there are
10,000 new books published EVERY MONTH? Don't hoard them, because
you will not read them again. They are just gathering dust.
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Hilton, KZN
South Africa