Site Map

Site map helps you to find your way around this very large site. What is it all about?

First and foremost, this is about Bernard Preston's six books; three of them are true stories from a DC's coalface, and others form a trilogy of a rather lurid tale, but addressing a very important issue facing society today. More about A Family Affair later.

Frog in my Throat, Bernard Preston's first book, will come up regularly.

Then secondly, there's a small section on how we might manage conditions from lower back and leg pain to migraines coming from the jaw joint.

Thirdly nutritious slow food, made fast, is a large focus at this site. Why you should grow spinach if you want to avoid arthritis and green beans to reduce your dependence on animal protein, and so on.

Bernard Preston is passionate about going green, so there's a large section on building your own solar generator; reducing your carbon footprint, and ensuring a future for your great grandchildren really is possible.

And lastly there's a section on beekeeping; honey is a very labile product and getting quality, low GI nectar from the flower is something only the small apiarist can do. Are you destined to be one of them? It's been the fascination of a lifetime.

I make no apologies for a beautiful life, with many fascinations that you'll find at this site. I suppose in part, I am saying, turn that TV off and start enjoying your brief stay on planet Earth.

Oh, I nearly forgot, there's a lot about sailplanes in my books; soaring up to the clouds is probably one of the most exciting things you could ever do. In Bats in my Belfry you get read about how I enjoyed a cross country flight of over one hundred miles in a very old plywood glider, built in 1952, and reaching an altitude of 14,000 feet; awesome.

I say enjoyed; it scared the hell out of me. You too could do it, but it's not for sissies.

Would you like to write a book? A lot of planning, persistence and hard work lies ahead. Perhaps you'll find meaning in Every Writers Six Ds.

Writing the first draft is great fun, and very fulfilling; the editing and marketing of your book is plain drudgery. Perhaps you'll oblige me by buying A Family Affair!

Site Map

Bernard Preston

Cyan zones

What is a cyan zone?

Bernie's books

A Frog in my Throat - the rookie DC.

Bats in my Belfry - the stressed, busy DC.

Stones in my Clog - seven glorious years in Holland; with not a few hiccups.

About Bernie

Meet Bernard Preston

Lonely road of faith ...

Cowards castle ...

Pascal's Wager ...


Notice board

Choice Foods

Eggs Florentine, or one of its many variants, is Bernard Preston's daily breakfast.

Nutritious Breakfast menu

Baking a loaf of bread every day is one of Bernard Preston's passions.

Easy lunch recipes

Fast nutritious dinner recipes

Easy soup recipes

What is a dietary fiber?

Meaning of starch

Panera bread menu recipe

                                                     > Pan-fried toast

What are legumes

                                              > Lima Bean Shakshuka

                                                > green bean and lentil soup

                                                 > Mexican bean beetle larvae

What are lignans?

Authentic hummus recipe

Making honey mead

Foods that lower cholesterol

Pathophysiology of atherosclerosis

Best medicinal herbs

Kefir benefits

Brain foods

Frailty syndrome

In the garden

Healthy food from the garden, like broccoli, will come up again and again in site map.

Backyard permaculture

What is potting in the garden

Organic Food Green

                              > Broccoli osteoarthritis

                              > Planting broccoli

                              > Branching broccoli

Yellows and oranges

Power of purple foods

Purple power smoothie.

How to grow chilli

Avocado fat

How to grow corn


How to plant potatoes

Citrus fruit list

How to plant broad/fava beans

Preserving olives

How to start beekeeping

The wonder of worm farms

Chickens in the garden

Starting a compost pile

Tree planting help

Our Green home

Our green home

1. Our green garden

2. Our green solar power

3. Our green rainwater harvesting

4. Our green kitchen

5. Natural honey

Bernie's home

Solar power energy ...

Day in the life of solar geek Bernard Preston

Woodstove heating system

Rainwater harvesting model

Wellness for Christians

    Caring for the temple

The happy tum

Night of fire

Carbs in the life of a believer

A Family Affair

The Bostonians (Book I)

Peter's children (Book II)

The Return (Book III)

Book IV

Ketogenic diets

Weight loss

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56 Groenekloof Rd,

Hilton, KZN

South Africa
