A bicarb deodorant is an effective and inexpensive way to combat unpleasant body stink but it is no anti-perspirant.
The whole problem with fake news is that these reports leave lingering doubts in our minds. Was that raw sewage flowing into Midmar Dam or was it mud carried by storm water?
Do cell-phones cause brain tumours and do they provoke Colony Collapse of bees?
Do underarm deodorants cause breast masses?
I do not have answers to these niggling doubts but ever since the breast tumour scare-mongering some ten or more years ago, I have had disturbing thoughts about deodorants. In large measure it is fueled by a generalised and possibly exaggerated fear of chemicals; be they consumed, inhaled or lathered on our bodies.
For those concerned about a breast tumour incidentally from using deodorants, one gets nearly 50% protection by enjoying a helping of a whole grain every day.
Infertility is a huge problem in the Netherlands. Some fifteen years ago, much published in the media it was reported that the sperm cells of men who used three or more cosmetics daily were a massive seven-times less productive; polystyrene cups were fingered too.
Now the original research is nowhere to be found on the net; was it fake news and has it been rescinded?
So the doubts lingered and my wife would irritatingly confirm that Bernie often stank despite all the scrubbing in the world. There is a lot of neoplastic disease in my family; I have no desire to join the ranks.
All of that changed after a chance encounter with a friend who works regularly with Zulu women. She told me they do not have a body-odour problem and they cannot afford deodorants; they use bicarb.
In the armpit there is a permanent community of bugs known as the microbiome. Their existence is greatly influenced by the pH; should it get either too high or low unfriendly bacteria flourish and produce a noxious smell.
That bicarb works as a deodorant is now beyond dispute as far as I am concerned; you can ask my family for confirmation. They no longer grimace when I come near after gardening. It would appear that by making the armpit slightly more alkaline, there is inhibition of the bacteria that produce those nasty odours. It is not an anti-perspirant so you will still sweat but not stink.
Incidentally my dentist confirms that the same is true in the mouth. Bicarb is a good abrasive and by reducing the acidity contributes to less dental-decay.
Another possibly fake news account reports
that various toothpastes use microbeads as an abrasive. We swallow some
and the rest then enter the effluent; eventually these particles
find their way back into our drinking water. We consume each week the
equivalent of a credit card of plastic.
It takes no imagination or reminder from the greenie that both empty canisters of deodorant and toothpaste tubes cannot easily be recycled; they simply contribute to the gross landfills.
So test the waters. After your shower put a very small amount of bicarb on the tip of your finger and rub it around your damp armpit.
Then use just a little to brush your teeth, not forgetting to floss too. I think you will be well pleased with the result; it will also contribute significantly to balancing the family budget.
Bicarb deodorant means no noxious carrier-chemicals breathed in from the can or smeared in the armpit; raising the pH discourages the bacteria that produce unpleasant odours.
In Dutch bicarb is called "zuiveringszout;" the salt that purifies. Some even swear that its alkaline nature helps prevent gout though that I cannot confirm. It will raise sodium levels in the body to our detriment if ingested.
The microbiome consists of congregations of bacteria, viruses and yeast cells that live in many parts of the body. They are profoundly important but have been seriously undermined by the so-called industrial diet; and chemicals in our food and drink.
They make a massive contribution to our wellness.
The microbiome consists of bugs that are both helpful and potentially harmful. Most are symbiotic where the human body, these bacteria and viruses benefit; and some, in smaller numbers, are pathogenic promoting disease.
In a healthy body, pathogenic and symbiotic microbiota coexist without problems.
- Harvard Medical School
Using bicarb as a deodorant is part of our attempt to create a little cyan zone at our home, combining the virtues of blue and green living; caring for both ourselves and the planet.
If you have never listened to Dan Buettner on the longevity and wellness of the people who live in the so-called Blue Zones of the planet then you are missing out on a treat; it is a half hour video clip, worth every moment.
In greater detail you can enjoy a four-part series on Netflix.
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Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.
Here are the back issues.
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