Sulforaphane for diabetics

Sulforaphane for diabetics is a complex subject. The bottom line is that vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and radishes have the scientifically-proven property of increasing the ability of the liver to take up glucose; and raise the glycogen content in our cells.

This helps to alleviate insulin-resistance, a key factor in diabetes; the cells have a limited ability to absorbe glucose from the blood stream.

So enjoy plants with sulforaphane too when you are bingeing on starchy or sugary stuff; it's absolutely vital. Almost a half of adults enjoying typical grocery store food have seriously raised blood-glucose; this is literally a life and death matter.

Insulin resistance lies at the heart of the chronic degenerative diseases that far outweigh the dangerous viruses and bacteria that terrify us.

Radishes in autumn for more sulforaphane.

Eat more broccoli, cabbage and radishes

The take-home from sulforaphane for diabetics is that we should all eat more of these vegetables if we want to live long in the land.

Sulforaphane is found in all cruciferous vegetables like kale and the other leafy greens.

Diabetes affects roughly one in twelve people worldwide but in South Africa and America it's about 50% higher. Chronic excessive refined-carbohydrate consumption is the chief culprit; chocolate cake, commercial bread and colas.

Sprouting broccoli

Branching broccoli florets for more sulforaphane.

Branching or sprouting broccoli as it is sometimes called has even greater amounts of sulforaphane for diabetics; and the plant goes on bearing for months if you pick the florets regularly.

Another advantage is that as you wander through the garden, forest bathing as I call it, plucking florets for a broccoli soup you have undisturbed time to contemplate the events of the day and the meaning of life.

"What if a walk in a green environment could reshape brains, recalibrate sense of time and stave off mental health conditions? If the research trends are true, doctors might soon find themselves writing prescriptions of 20 minutes of nature per day."

- Dr William Bird, MD, MBE

It would take about five minutes to pick enough for a broccoli soup for two. There are of course dozens of ways to cook the florets.

Broccoli plants are quite large but two or three would provide enough sulforaphane for diabetics for a couple-months; the flowers will brighten up any salad too.

Branching broccoli plants.

The best broccoli plants I ever grew were from seedlings planted in a trench filled with compost. It takes a bit of time and energy but beats going to the gym for a power workout; and gave me a massive amount of protection for months against my prediabetes.

The exercise too of course helps lower one's blood-glucose. My average reading over two months, the HbA1c test is now a perfectly normal 5.4%.


And now for the chemistry of sulforaphane for those who might be interested.

Its precursor is glucoraphanin.

Glucosinolates are compounds naturally found in leafy-greens and other plants such as radishes and mustard; they have a slightly pungent taste.

They have a structure like this.

Structure of glucosinolate.A typical glucosinolate

The R can be any number of different-structures giving rise to the large array of compounds known as glucosinolates.

Notice that they all contain a glucose-molecule, hence their name; and sulphur and nitrogen atoms that are derived from an amino acid. The R is attached to the central carbon.

Glucoraphanin, the precursor of sulforaphane is one example.

The importance of compounds like glucoraphanin is that, in the presence of a particular enzyme, the sugar molecule is sheared off leaving the wonder phytochemical of interest to those suffering from diabetes and osteoporosis; and wanting to escape from the threat of the Big C.

This is the sulforaphane for diabetics that we are talking about.

That enzyme called myrosinase is released when the cells are damaged, so your kale and broccoli needs to be thoroughly chopped and chewed; and not cooked for more than a few minutes.

Heat denatures enzymes.

In short diabetics can live long and completely normal lives if they follow the rules. One of them is that they enjoy their greens daily, raw or lightly cooked and thoroughly chewed.

Sulforaphane for diabetics really can make a meaningful change in your life.

Broccoli, kale and radishes with their piquant, slightly bitter flavour are the queens of the castle. Brussels-sprouts too but they need a colder climate than ours; like you get in Belgium.

Broccoli branching small headSmall head of branching broccoli

Don't buy these nutrients as expensive supplements; think rather about how to grow broccoli and enjoy many greens fresh from your garden. The forest bathing whilst picking your supper, the exercise as you prepare the ground and the sulforaphane will keep you out of the clutches of doctors of many ilks. 

Glucosinolates have a slightly bitter flavour; beware of recipes that teach you how to remove that taste from your dark-green leafy vegetables.

That's where much of the goodness is; our tongues need to be retrained to enjoy sour and bitter instead of just sweet. It can be done; I know because I have achieved it. It is a must for all suffering from insulin-resistance; nearly 50% of the adult population.

Broccoli soup is to die for and radishes on a green salad will make your day, freshly-picked.

Oxalates in spinach

Previously there was a concern that the oxalates in dark-green leafy vegetables were the cause of kidney stones. Researchers have now proved that it is actually related to a very narrow spectrum of bacteria in the microbiome; and too little dietary fiber. We can enjoy our spinach without concerns.


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home


There is also much research showing that sulforaphane also gives protection against tumours. Recent studies using it along with chemotherapy have been very promising.

Sulforaphane for diabetics also targets tumour stem-cells, modulating the various faulty pathways that lead to neoplasms[1]. Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and radishes also provide fibre for the bacteria in the tum that help prevent cancer.

Screening and chemotherapy rather than prevention are the words of today; we choose instead to avoid the use of an expensive broccoli-sprout preparation and enjoy it from our food daily.

"Let thy food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food."

Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC)

Hippocrates is the most quoted and totally ignored doctor of all time. As for me and my family we just enjoy Eggs Hilton almost every day; I mean that and it always has a few leaves of kale and other greens.

Eggs Hilton poaching is rich in sulforaphane.

Fatty liver

Sulforaphane for diabetics improves glucose tolerance and insulin-sensitivity. Equally important is that it reduces the hepatic triglyceride content[2]; it is a big helper with fatty liver.

Just as important of course is to avoid chronic excessive refined carbohydrate consumption; that is the cause of fatty liver leading to steatohepatitis, also known as cirrhosis. If you drink too much alcohol as well then you're a gonna.

Sulforaphane for diabetics

Sulforaphane for diabetics comes from greens like broccoli and kale; radishes are great too.

Learning how to test for prediabetes at home is what helped me get on top of this pernicious disease; two pricks of the finger will divulge whether you should sit up and take notice. It's the chief cause of adult-onset blindness for example; along with a deficiency of two phytochemicals found in your greens and other foods[3][4].

Dopamine comes into the equation too; so we grow and enjoy fresh and frozen broad beans, the only food that contains pharmacological amounts of the happy hormone. If you look carefully you'll spot them in the Eggs Hilton above; they look like little grey ticks!

Osteoporosis reversing agent

Sulforaphane for diabetics is also an osteoporosis-reversing agent; it stimulates osteoblast activity and helps diminish resorption of bone. It shifts the remodeling process in favour of a stronger skeleton[5].


Purely as an anecdote, I have suffered from severe constipation all my life; a most unpleasant and in fact deadly business. If I have a good helping of greens once a day, my gut will behave reasonably well. If for example I enjoy Eggs Florentine for breakfast and a salad for lunch then all is prima. Add a serving of broccoli for supper then toiletries become easy two-minute affairs.

Whether it's the sulforaphane for diabetics that is also the cure for constipation, or all that fibre is irrelevant. I have to eat greens daily; or suffer. We all should.

Nutritious green smoothieThis nutritious green smoothie is loaded with sulforaphane for diabetics

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South Africa
