The resistant starch in whole grains helps with weight loss and insulin-resistance; it does this in part by modifying the friendly bacteria in the gut.
In an increasingly obese world the number of Americans dieting in the past year has risen dramatically; up from 38% five years ago to over half of the adult population today. Alas few are succeeding and many continue to put on weight; and are becoming very angry and depressed in the process.
There are many reasons driving this obesity pandemic, far worse than that caused by viruses; it's the cause of the degenerative conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and fatty liver. A major factor is the extraction of fibre and "resistant starch" from the food found typically in the grocery store.
There are in fact five types but we shall focus on only two; a third is not commonly eaten and the others constitute ultra-processed foods and should be shunned.
Fava beans that have not been skinned contain 47% resistant starch.
Green lima beans have a high amylose content which is more resistant to enzyme action.
Both resistant and retrograded starches produce far less glucose which would have been digested and absorbed in the small intestine but instead pass through to the colon; they are fermented by the friendly flora producing instead highly beneficial "short-chain fatty acids."
So they behave in many ways like the fibre in our diet that also does not yield glucose that would raise blood sugar.
Glucose from carbohydrate is in fact our chief source of energy but we get more than enough of it; chronic over-consumption of refined starches and sugar are the chief causes of type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease and obesity.
Only make changes to your diet that you are prepared to continue with for the rest of your life; anything less is blowing in the wind and doomed to fail.
The friendly bugs in the intestines known as the microbiome play an absolutely vital role in weight loss, reducing fat absorption in the gut and controlling inflammation in the body. But they can only flourish if fibre and resistant starch reach them in the colon.
There is no other safe, inexpensive and successful way to lose weight permanently.
You could get that resistant starch from a dietary supplement. Why not rather just enjoy it in your food? Researchers have found that it will increase the friendly gut microbiota, particularly the Bifido and Lactobacillus species; they then outnumber and help overwhelm any pathogens that are present[1].
High fat diets remain controversial with researchers divided on the benefits when it comes to weight loss and health outcomes.
Some research certainly shows that a high resistant-starch diet with low fat had an immediate impact on weight loss; but little effect on high blood lipids. All the fibre slows gastric emptying and sends messages to the brain about satiety.
It is highly likely that the source may be the key; fruit oils (olive and avocado), seed lipids and animal fat.
The ketogenic diets demand very low carbohydrate from any source coupled with high fat mostly from animals; that deals with hunger. The lipids also provide satiety; and increase the absorption of important phytonutrients.
Only make changes to your diet that you are prepared to continue with for the rest of your life; anything less is blowing in the wind and doomed to fail.
Researchers using a powerful double-blinded intervention gave two groups of individuals either 40 grams of resistant starch or a placebo control carb for 8 weeks. After a month long washout period they crossed over to the other prepackaged sachets.
The resistant starch (RS) group lost on average 2.8kg after the four week trial but the control group none. Fat mass and waist circumference also decreased.
The RS group had a significant drop in insulin concentrations; but the Control Starch (CS) group showed no change compared to baseline values.
There was also a significant improvement in the insulin sensitivity.
Levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines were significantly lower in the resistant starch group as compared to the control.
Intestinal permeability was significantly lowered indicating a restoration of the gut barrier in the RS group.
The RS group had significantly higher levels of excreted cholesterol, triglycerides and fatty acids in the faeces compared to the Control Starchers.
There were distinct changes in the gut microbiota in both the RS and CS groups after the dietary interventions were initiated.
Those enjoying resistant starch in whole grains have far less abdominal discomfort and passing the stool becomes easier; especially if they are having sourdough bread.
There are very definitely two schools of thought in regard to restricted starch consumption for weight loss. One group looks to putting the body into ketosis by reducing all carbs to less than 20 grams per day. That means virtually no grains, whole or otherwise; or legumes. Most fruit except for berries is also restricted.
The second school calls for the dropping of all refined carbs but allowing resistant starch in moderate amounts. They believe this is more sustainable long term. Weight loss will be slower but is less likely to return with a vengeance when we return to eating the staff of life for example, which we may feel we cannot give up for ever; nor need to.
Only make changes to your diet that you are prepared to continue with for the rest of your life; anything less is blowing in the wind and doomed to fail.
In the healthy tum there is a massive 2kg of friendly bacteria, viruses and yeast cells; and other lesser known creatures. However few people eating typical grocery store food, subjected to antibiotics both in their food and as treatment come close to that figure.
Two factors are important; the total mass of bugs and their diversity. For this reason a probiotic food such as kefir or sauerkraut, both containing many different species is preferable to a supplement supplying only a limited range.
Keeping in mind dieting rule no.1 choose either to increase the amount of resistant starch in the diet; or start to avoid all refined starches, keeping cakes and puddings for high and holy days only. It's a matter of personal choice.
Resistant starch in whole grains which has been allowed to retrograde overnight and then reheated to make a porridge gives you the double benefit.
Whole grain corn has a particularly large amount (25%) of resistant starch.
Resistant starch in whole grains is not digested forming glucose. It does not contribute to weight gain.
In fact those eating 40 grams of resistant starch lost 2.6kg over two months.
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Yes true whole grains certainly do have resistant starch provided that they are not refined. Millers usually remove all or most of the bran which is where the fibre is; and the germ which contains the fat. They stimulate the glands in the stomach and small intestine that slow gastric emptying, stimulate the beta-cells in the pancreas and send messages to the brain providing satiety.
Starch granules with the bran limit the accessibility of the enzyme amylase that digests the starch.
Amylose and the fat from the germ form a complex that resists amylase digestion.
Whole grains, legumes and seeds are highest in resistant starch; new potatoes rank highly too. But they do have to be chewed thoroughly, that takes time and longer to cook.
They joy of resistant starches is that you can banish that nasty word "diet" from your thinking for ever. Did you know that globally 45% of folk will today be focusing on losing weight?
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