Orange juice bioflavonoids are true functional foods; they promote health and help to prevent disease.
These are the pigments that give plants their colours; the red in tomatoes and the green in broccoli, for example. For us, more importantly they are the substances that prevent a whole lot of nasty conditions; inflammation, tumours and allergies.
This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 16th May, 2023.
Powerful substances, I think you will agree; let's eat more of them.
Oddly researchers are now of the opinion that the body does not like them; and it is our immune system's response to getting rid of these bioflavonoids that gives us all these protective properties. Life is full of paradoxes.
Read more about Bio flavonoids at Wikipedia.
Vitamin C deficiency symptoms include fatigue, fragile blood-vessels and depression; could anything more typically describe our Western world? This subject about orange juice bioflavonoids is so important.
In the cells of your body, bioflavonoids have many properties.
Hence the importance in preventing malignant tumours, infection and bruising; and inflammation. They increase the blood-flow to the tissues, particularly vital if you have for example a slipped disc.
Copious blood means more oxygen and nutrients for healing that damaged cartilage.
Our bodies desperately need the bioflavonoids and vitamin C in fresh orange-juice.
Research done in Spain on the processing of orange-juice produced some interesting facts.
If you really dislike the idea of squeezing your own fresh orange-juice then, depending on where you live, how about planting a mandarin tree? And whilst you are about it, consider a Meyer lemon; the most beautiful ornament in your garden and the scent of the flowers is to die for.
Laden with yellow-fruit, the sound of the bees at the flowers, citrus trees are very pretty. More important they give our food some zest and are loaded with essential nutrients.
I love our lime too; it is subtly different to the lemon.
Both are loaded with limonin, the substance that has been shown to protect the brain-cells of rats that have been injected with a neurotoxin.
Researchers are now working on a drug developed from citrus for protection against neurodegenerative illnesses like multiple-sclerosis. Alternatively you could make sure you enjoy an orange or lemon every day. Prevention is better than a cure, eh?
Beta-cryptoxanthin is a bioflavanoid that stands out head and shoulders above the crowd; from your orange juice it is profoundly important in helping prevent dementia. As with so many of these nutrients researchers have found that from supplements it's quite useless; you have to get it from your food. It is in the zest and pulp too.
Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.
Here are the back issues.
Mandarins have all the benefits of my favourite squeezing-orange, the Valencia, and none of the difficulty with peeling.
It copes well with a little frost but don't try growing it, except in a pot perhaps, in Chicago.
And why should Bernard Preston DC, be so interested in oranges? His dad was a citrus farmer amongst other things; he was also probably the best adjustor to ever treat me. He had perfected the art of good-manipulation.
And vitamin C is a vital ingredient to enable the body to heal torn cartilage and ligaments.
Do the calories in orange juice concern you?
Growing lemon trees couldn't be easier; even in Chicago you can grow them in a pot. The fragrance, the beauty and the flavour of the freshly-squeezed juice in your food is a must for every garden.
Just all the bioflavonoids in citrus make it worth the effort; well-being doesn't come out of a bottle. It's from, in large measure, enjoying nutritious choice foods.
In temperate climates, lemon and orange juice bioflavonoids are a must in every garden.
Whenever you move into a new-home, growing lemon trees should be your first consideration.
Orange juice bioflavonoids promote health and help to prevent disease, but the pasteurizing process used in OJ reduces the antioxidant properties of these little power-houses by nearly fifty percent.
The macula lutea, or yellow spot, is a small part of the retina responsible for fine discrimination and colour; it has a very high concentration of the flavonoid lutein which absorbes damaging high energy blue light; a deficiency causes age-onset macular degeneration, a common cause of blindness in old age.
Bernard Preston is a semi-retired DC; after 40 years in practice, says he, I have seen so much pain and suffering associated with tumours and inflammatory disease, that prevention has to be our focus. It doesn't just happen to others.
The orange-juice bioflavonoids are only part of the solution; more coloured food in general. That means enjoying apples, mangoes and kale on a daily basis; and cucumbers, tomatoes and beetroot too.
Now the Prestons are in their seventies they are making sure they have a daily fresh or frozen citrus fruit for the beta-cryptoxanthin; prevention against dementia should be uppermost in the minds of everyone and not just the aged.
Compost bins gardening is what it's all about for those looking for food that tastes delicious and promotes health. If yours looks something like this, then you need not be anxious about chronic disease, and even the infectious conditions are greatly ameliorated.
Your compost bin gives a good measure of how healthy you will be in the future. Tucked away in there somewhere are the seeds and stalks from a glut of peppadews, queen of the garden in May.
How to dry peppers is another way of preserving these bioflavonoids that care for our bodies. Actually we now find freezing them simpler.
Bernard Preston is also passionate about making sure the planet Earth is a habitable place for our grandchildren. Soon there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, and most of our food will be refined; to compensate for the lack of taste there will be colouring, preservatives and flavour-enhancers added. Building a Cyan Zone at our home is where we are.
These toxic substances are without a doubt the cause of many of our woes. Will you join the fight to wean ourselves off plastic?
Then there is the race to end waste; one-third of our food is never actually eaten.
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