Laughs Kerryman letter

Laughs Kerryman letter is such fun. Now we know why Murphy is the butt of so many jokes. Are the Irish really this crazy? Of course not, they just know how to laugh at themselves. Is it time to take yourself less seriously?

Dear Son,

Kerryman letter.

Laughs Kerryman letter

This page was last updated on 31st December, 2018.


Laughter is the best medicine, and while this isn't good South African humour, I wonder if the Irish don't do it even better with letters like this.

Here's a thought; how about trying to write your own humour? We'd love to have a few bits and pieces, like these from the Lakes' district.

A vicious German Shepherd, a flock of geese... or a beef bull? Actually, the Jersey bull is the one to watch; he's the meanest crittur of the them all. I had a good friend once who was killed by his own Jersey bull. They're more dangerous than any dog, and with the intelligence of a buffalo; ask any hunter, they are the most fickle of in the deep African bush.

Best medicine ...

Bull beef.

Another giggle...

Just how seriously can you take this guy? I suggest you avoid him like the plague! Or, you could maybe buy one of his crazy books.


    Bats in my Belfry cover.

    Slater's Bridge

    Just for laughs at Slater's bridge.

    Better on the bridge than in the water!

    Bridge pee.

    Bus stop - only in England!

    Just for laughs bus stop.


  • Baptiso to immerse ... Such fun!

  • Boys will be boys ... Only for those who like to laugh. Except it's not funny!

  • Toscanini Celery Soup ... Lekker! Gezond. Delic.
  • MONTHLY NEWSLETTER and send out a joint monthly newsletter. It covers an overview of a health topic (For example: Breastbone pain.), always a nutritional corner (such as Cholesterol /Statins and aching legs), and a piece from Bernard Preston.

    Sign up at the bottom of any Chiropractic Help Page, for example this one on the Causes of Osteoporosis , the most important page at Chiropractic Help. The newsletter is free, and one click cancels it if you find it irrelevant or tedious. Causes of Osteoporosis …


    Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

    Here are the back issues.

    • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
    • What are ultra-processed foods?
    • Investing in long-term health
    • Diseases from plastic exposure
    • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
    • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
    • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
    • There's a hole in the bucket
    • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
    • Pull the sweet tooth
    • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
    • Refined maize meal and stunting
    • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
    • Nature is calling
    • Mill your own flour
    • Bake your own sourdough bread
    • Microplastics from our water
    • Alternative types of water storage
    • Wear your clothes out
    • Comfort foods
    • Create a bee-friendly environment
    • Go to bed slightly hungry
    • Keep bees
    • Blue zone folk are religious
    • Reduce plastic waste
    • Family is important
    • What can go in compost?
    • Grow broad beans for longevity
    • Harvest and store sunshine
    • Blue zone exercise
    • Harvest and store your rainwater
    • Create a cyan zone at your home

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    Hilton, KZN

    South Africa
