Keep your spinach lasagna simple and think about the goodness rather than the texture; cook it in a fraction of the time.
A typical lasagna uses spinach obviously, noodles and tomato; some herbs and various cheeses of your choice. You also need about an hour of preparation time; and another in the oven.
Two hours in total is needed and a lot of electricity for the oven to bake Bon Appétit's excellent spinach lasagna[1]. If you have the time and the patience; I don't.
So let us make a simple spinach lasagna in half the time; it's twice as good in any case.
Start with something better than grocery store lasagna noodles if you want a nutritious meal; they are little more than all-purpose or cake flour with a big mark up in price. Refined carbs are highly fattening too.
Buy or bake the very best wholemeal loaf of bread; already you are streets ahead of Bon Appétit's spinach lasagna.
This easy sourdough bread recipe takes only five minutes of your time if you have a little oven; and a fraction of the electricity. Cyan zone folk make every attempt to care for both themselves and the planet.
You can make this simple spinach lasagna using wholemeal sourdough bread instead of pasta in under an hour, including picking the greens from the garden.
I am unashamedly infatuated with Blue Zone longevity. The thought of living to a strong and zestful ninety, taking little or no medication appeals to me; it means growing and eating as much of your own food as possible.
That one hour doesn't include baking the bread obviously.
Keep your spinach lasagna simple; focus on the nutritional content.
Pasta by and large is made from all-purpose or cake flour; it is highly refined and tasteless. This simple spinach lasagna on the other hand by using wholemeal sourdough is rich in flavour and nutrients.
I made this simple spinach lasagna in midsummer when many greens were mildewed; so kale and other herbs like sweet-basil came into the reckoning. They all count in the effort to enjoy 7 or more coloured foods every day; and improve the flavour.
We always recommend tailoring your food according to your tastes and what is available from your own green garden; but keep it nutritious and simple.
Making the decision to give up refined carbs for ever is not easy but the benefits are stupendous. Using only wholemeal flour with all the germ, bran and essential fatty-acids means a far smaller likelihood of having a malignant breast tumour or a catastrophic cardiovascular event; that's not small beer.
It's all about the lignans and vitamin E.
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by; and that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost
Having your own little mill and bread oven means you can bake the best sourdough requiring less than ten minutes of your time; for under half a dollar.
Only 1% of folk suffer from a severe wheat intolerance called Coeliac Disease; yet 40% of Americans are buying gluten-free products. Such is the power of the next food fad.
The power of sourdough is that the gluten, the protein in flour is predigested even before you eat it.
Don't eat ultra-refined noodles; buy or make your own sourdough bread.
Researchers have found that by a complete overhaul of lifestyle most type-2 diabetics can put their disease completely into remission without the use of medication. It does mean giving up a typical pasta for ever.
Frankly this spinach lasagna using no pasta whatsoever is superior in every way to that which is made traditionally; the taste and texture are unbelievably good.
Fortunately researchers now have proven that the animal fats like cream and cheese do not affect our blood cholesterol levels; it's the refined carbs like all-purpose flour and sugar that are the problem.
Nearly 20% of those enjoying typical grocery store food are suffering unknown to them from Fatty Pancreas; until the sudden onset of crippling pain. Refined carbs and seed oils are the villains of the peace.
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