Indian saag recipe is simply a delight to the taste-buds.
I am sure all of us periodically go out to dinner and have a new-dish that we know we simply have to try; such was it with this
recipe. I had never heard of it before.
The invitation to join friends at an Indian restaurant was always going to be a challenge for the old folk who like their home-cooked fare; and find going out is often the recipe for stomach pain at midnight.
This was the exception that proves the rule; go out with friends to dinner occasionally even if you think you can cook better than the chefs. Now and again, you come across a place like Mali's restaurant in Durban, South Africa; and find that they can certainly do Indian fare far more flavoursome than you ever could.
In fact when I go to a restaurant offering a curry, I always ask if there is an Indian-chef which makes me unpopular. Does that make me a racist?
20 min
20 min
3/4 hour
Pour the whole into a deeper container; using a stick blender, whir it up until it is rather smooth. Some folk like it coarse; in fact you really do not need to liquidise it at all if you would rather not.
Pour your steaming Indian saag into deep bowls, swirl a little fresh-cream over the surface and enjoy it with a wholegrain bread and butter.
I loved the roti bread at the Indian restaurant but it is made with cake-flour. That is only for high and holy days in my book; it is little different to white toast, nutritionally speaking.
I cook many of my recipes in different ways; here's another one. It has ginger, feta and fresh-lemon. On balance I prefer the cumin and coriander-seeds finely ground.
Use rather less of the salt and spices, than too much.
Did you spot the frog?
Indian Saag recipe has many of our favourite ingredients; kale, spinach and several spices.
Each of these spices would have their specific merit for those involved in herbal medicine but the quantities are small and would constitute micronutrients; for example, the allicin in the garlic, a phytochemical in cumin that reduces inflammation and so on.
Swiss chard, spinach and particularly the kale are rich in another phytochemical called lutein that protects the macular in the eye from degeneration; just as the cartilage in joints can age and make us crippled if we refuse to eat the right stuff, so this substance helps to protect us from cataracts and blindness in old age.
Macular degeneration is the chief cause of age-onset blindness; I would rather enjoy this Indian Saag regularly. Would you not too?
Along with another phytochemical called zeaxanthin, lutein is very important for the macula of the eye.
If you are a smoker, and eschew your greens, then I am afraid you had better start planning for lutein macular degeneration; the research is strong.
I have to be careful with starches so I was particularly pleased to read about cinnamon and diabetes.
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I cannot stress enough that kale and spinach are two of the easiest vegetables to grow in your garden. Freshly-picked and washed makes such a difference to both the flavour and nutrient content. Oxidation is the great enemy.
To enrich this Indian Saag recipe, you could toss in a few freshly picked, or frozen if you must, green peas to increase the protein.
Remember that a recipe is only the starting point; go on and use your own creativity to make your special dishes. Cooking and experimenting with this and that is such fun; following Bernard Preston slavishly, or any recipes for that matter, is so dull.
Turn your cooking into an art; be willing to experiment.
If you really want choice food, then I strongly recommend you make two small-patches in your garden, about a metre square each, dig in some compost and find out how to grow spinach; kale is grown in exactly the same way from seed.
Or seedlings from your local nursery would be quicker.
Everyone should be concerned with macular degeneration; it is the chief cause of age onset blindness. A deficiency of lutein is one of the main problems; yes, kale and spinach are amongst the richest sources.
Take the Amsler test. Using one eye at a time, with your glasses on, focus on the dot at the centre; are there any wavy, distorted or blurred lines?
For more specific details on taking the Amsler test, go to our lutein macular degeneration page.
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Indian Saag is easy to make if you have fresh greens like kale and spinach at hand. It is rich in many micronutrients and minerals; the rutin in cumin is a powerful antioxidant mopping up damaging free radicals.
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Hilton, KZN
South Africa