Fried eggplant recipe

Fried eggplant recipe is definitely my single most favourite lunch or dinner; especially hot on a slice of our low GI bread, dripping with butter. Those who eat these kinds of foods can indulge without guilt. You'll never become obese on the dishes you will find on this website, because they are very low in refined-starch.

Nor will you develop high-cholesterol. In fact you'll get off statins.

Fried eggplant recipe

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 17th September, 2023.

Having said that, this is one of our very few recipes where we used to employ a little cake-flour; and then discovered that wholemeal is just as good, in fact better.

Mill your own flour and you'll never go back to the all-purpose and cake type; they are what cause diabetes, along with all refined carbs.

I must confess I have several dozen single most favourite-foods, though.

If there is one thing I love about eggplant cooking it is that it contains all the best of good-foods.

  • Great taste.
  • Eggplant nutrition facts rank among the top-foods.
  • These are really easy eggplant recipes; I was about to say kid's stuff but actually hot frying is not for children. An olive-oil burn is not pleasant.
  • Are they cheap? Well, not expensive, costing somewhere approaching a dollar each in Europe and less than ten rand in South Africa. A large eggplant will easily make a wholesome meal for two or three.
  • The calories in eggplant are low. What more do you want?
  1. One medium-brinjal per person.
  2. One-egg
  3. Wholemeal-flour
  4. Olive-oil and a little butter or coconut fat.

Nothing could be simpler.
Choose your eggplant carefully. They must be firm with a shiny, dark-purple colour. Whilst they keep quite well in the fridge for nearly a week, once they are old, they are dreadful and bitter. If you can't find good ones, cook something else.

Fried eggplant recipe.

STEP 1: Slice your eggplant into 15mm, half-inch slices.

STEP 2: Put a heavy-pan onto moderate heat.

Use only olive or coconut-oil and butter for frying. The polyunsaturates from sunflowers are very unstable once you heat them; and break down to noxious byproducts. Never fry with margarine; in fact avoid it completely.

Be fairly generous with olive oil, not extra virgin when frying and a dollop of butter in the pan; remembering that you are raising the calories in eggplant cooking. It's counteracted by a delicious salad. Turn the heat down to moderate-low.

STEP 3: Flour the slices on both sides.

Eggplant slices in flour.

STEP 4: Beat up an egg and water mixture.

Drop your floured, battered slices into the hot-oil. See these fried eggplant recipes are really a piece of cake. If an old codger like me can learn to do it, then anybody can enjoy them.

Turn the heat down because they burn quite easily. How to cook eggplant is really not difficult.

Eggplant slices in batter before frying.

I dribble a couple of drops of olive oil onto the top of each slice. Then when you turn them, they don't stick. After three or four-minutes, turn one over to test. When they are ready they are a golden brown colour. I now put a glass lid on the pan; they cook better.

Once they are done, turn the first cooked-slices on edge on top of a slice that is still underdone so that the oil can drain back into the pan.

As you start stacking your slices of fried eggplant recipe on edge, add fresh battered-wedges. It's dead easy.

Fried eggplant recipe

Fried eggplant recipe is a special gift for those with high-cholesterol.

Incidentally, I've now started frying them with the lid on; they cook through more quickly and are less inclined to burn.

Once they are done, golden-brown on both sides, if you prick your easy eggplant recipe with a fork the slices should be quite soft and squishy; depending on how you like them, I suppose.

Drain on a paper towel. Salt lightly.

Fried eggplant on absorbent paper.

Helen's 15 euro salad

Olive garden salad to go with your fried eggplant.

Any fried dish is of course fairly rich stuff. We usually enjoy it with fresh greens. I call it a 15 euro salad, not because it is so expensive to make but as that is what you'll pay if you eat out in Amsterdam. It probably costs no more than one dollar to prepare and ten-minutes of your time.

  • Helen's 15 euro salad - see if you can make it with ten anti-tumour coloured vegetables. Five per day is mandatory. 

Do you want the honest truth? This fried eggplant recipe is my all-time favourite dish; scrumptious. I'll have a couple of slices on a sandwich for lunch today. Who could possibly want to go to McDonald's for a meal?

Foods that lower cholesterol

Eggplant, known as brinjals in Africa because of the Indian influence, rank highly amongst the anti-cholesterol foods. You really don't need those nasty statins with all their horrible side effects; tingling, achy legs and  impotence, and even haemorrhagic stroke.

Rather enjoy foods that lower cholesterol naturally. And in my opinion there is no way to do that better than with a fried eggplant recipe and a side-dish of brightly coloured salads.

Use coconut or olive oil rather than butter perhaps; I use a mixture.

  • Get off statins safely - use the Site Search function key in the main menu above.


I wrote this blog on fried eggplant recipe years ago, and it's time for an update. It is still a great favourite and we enjoy it regularly when they are in season.

There is more evidence coming out that it is the refined carbs that make us obese, rather than fat. It's that cake-flour that I am thinking about; not good stuff. I guess all of life is about compromises, and we break down and use a tablespoon now and then; and now we have even ditched that in favour of wholemeal.

Since we started to mill and use 100% wholemeal-flour for making our daily bread, I've stopped using all refined wheat products.

Still that cake-flour never made us fat, but that is because we eat so many salads and other foods that lower cholesterol like oats and chickpeas; blessed are the balanced. I am about as anxious of wellness nut neurosis as obesity.

The other update is since keeping our own hens, we use only free range eggs; they have made a huge difference to all of our cooking. I'm sure you can see which one has three times as much omega-3 and choline. 

Organic fertilised eggs.

Well-being secrets

If you are into brinjals like I am, then pay Helen Nichols' site, well-being secrets, a visit; in particular her favourite eggplant recipes pages will keep you busy for weeks.

In short, you can see they are one of my favourites too; a bit of an acquired taste, and never buy them unless they are firm, shiny and a dark-purple colour. After sitting on the shelf at the supermarket for a few days they rapidly become bitter.

It's not warm enough for us to grow them, unless we get into hot-houses or tunnels; something for future consideration. So we cannot get them absolutely fresh, but the good wife gets her fried eggplant recipe within a day or two of buying them.


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home


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