Eggs Parkinson's disease

Eggs Parkinson's disease is for those looking for a different way of managing this incurable degenerative condition. Levodopa, the precursor of the missing neurotransmitter is found in pharmaceutical amounts only in broad-beans.

Broad-beans are also known as favas; they are one of the very few sources of adequate amounts of the amino acid that provides the body with the raw material needed to manufacture its own dopamine.

Broad beans for Parkinson's disease.

It is also known that the microbiome in those with a happy tum also produces large amounts of dopamine; the is why the colon is being called the "second brain."

The pods and young shoots of fresh young broad beans contain even more of the L-dopa that is able to cross the barrier between the blood and brain. In the substantia nigra specific neurons are able to convert it for storage and use in the body.

Under normal circumstances dopamine is synthesised in this nucleus in the brain. However, it may be destroyed by unknown toxins; new research fingers a chemical called trichloethylene used in many cleaning fluids.

TCE and other chemicals damage the mitochondria in the brain. It was even used to decaffeinate coffee for many years. Scientists are saying that Parkinson's Disease largely a man-made condition.

A deficiency of this neurotransmitter called dopamine is what causes the tremors of Parkinson's Disease.

Research shows that more than half of those suffering from this incurable condition can be better treated with two-tablespoons of broad beans enjoyed every day than by taking medication[1]; one or two young pods, preferably morning and evening.

Broad-beans are horrid when old and starchy and the fresh, young fruit is difficult to obtain in most countries; you may have to grow your own. They are a legume.

Ensuring that we remain in fine fettle is about making time for ourselves; raising the bar means a commitment to not only more exercise but also nutritious, unrefined food. Cooking broad-beans with eggs to manage and even perhaps prevent Parkinson's disease is just one example.


  • Two tablespoons of young broad-beans and their pods.
  • Quarter of an onion.
  • Handful of deveined-spinach.
  • Other in season vegetables such as chaote squash[4].
  • Optional spices such as chilies and garlic.
  • A fresh-egg.
  • Salt and black-pepper.

Go for it

  1. Fry the chopped-onion in a little butter or olive oil.
  2. Pod the older favas but retain the whole bean of any that are young and tender. Toss them in with the onions.
  3. Add the chopped-chili and garlic, if desired.
  4. Wash and devein the spinach, chop and add to the mixture. 
  5. Add half a cup of water. Place a lid on the pan. Bring to the boil.
  6. After two or three-minutes crack an egg and poach it on the greens.

Enjoy eggs Parkinson's disease on a slice of 100-percent wholemeal sourdough bread, toasted if desired, and smeared with a little butter. Use all the liquid.

I rather like it on pan-fried toast.

This of course is just a crib on the great Eggs Florentine recipe. Both provide satiety, but the young green beans have an added benefit; the subsequent-meal effect. They will keep your blood glucose more stable after breakfast and even right through the day until dinner if you indulge; the lasting influence of whole foods.

Eggs Parkinson's disease

Eggs poached on a bed of spinach with added broad beans for the management of Parkinson's disease.

Eggs Parkinson's disease is based on strong science that fava beans can provide sufficient L dopa for two-thirds of those suffering from the condition.

The eggs and spinach are simply another way to enjoy your beans; they in themselves are very nourishing foods, particularly if you have free range hens.

Cooperation of your doctor

Getting L-dopa from your food means you will have to reduce your Parkinson's medication or you will have a deterioration of motor performance. It is thus recommended you get the cooperation of your doctor, and allow him to advise and direct you; he may be skeptical.

"PD is a degenerative condition of the central nervous system that results in motor dysfunction and late-stage cognitive decline. Current medications, namely levodopa, can reduce symptoms. Although, as the disease progresses, its response to medical therapy declines."

- 2 Minute Medicine

We would recommend beginning with only one-tablespoon of young beans and their pods, twice a day and gradually increasing the amount as you reduce your medication.

Researchers comment that they noted a marked improvement in the motor performance of those enjoying the young beans as compared to those on medication, without any of the side-effects of the drug.

They are also known as fava-beans; more about their phytonutrients.

The happy tum

Researchers writing in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism[2] found that almost a half of the dopamine produced in the body is actually synthesised in the gastrointestinal-organs.

Dopamine has numerous functions. It synthesises various secretions, modulates sodium absorption and gives protection against gastroduodenal-ulcers, for example. If you really want a happy tum but are getting heartburn, think about broad beans; and a probiotic like kefir too.

Stomach pain and Parkinson's Disease are closely linked; mucus erosions caused by Helicobacter pylori allow toxins to penetrate and are then carried to the brain via the vagus nerve.

It is highly likely that Eggs Parkinson's-Disease will influence the synthesis of dopamine in the gut just as much as in the brain. It makes little difference; the neurotransmitter produced at either site has a profoundly important effect on regulating movement of the body.

All the fibre in a dish such as this acts as what is called a prebiotic; it is not digested in the small-intestine but passes through and then provides the nutrients that the normal flora in the colon demands.

The authors go as far as to suggest that the brain may be a less important source of dopamine.

Broad bean pods also known as favas.

The happy tum contains an astonishing 2kg of friendly-bacteria, viruses and yeasts. What is yet to be established is the role they display in the production of dopamine and the management of Parkinson's disease.

Purely anecdotally, chaote squash may contribute greatly to the happy tum; the mechanism is unknown but it does contain a large amount of soluble fibre.

Dopamine is a chemical associated with drive and pleasure, decreases with age, while norepinephrine and serotonin remain stable, says Dr Daniel Levitin, a leading neuroscientist.

If the levels drop too much we get Parkinson's-disease.

Certainly it would seem logical that regularly enjoying the benefits of a probiotic such as kefir may also have a role to play in the treatment and even perhaps prevention of Parkinson's-disease.

The number-one cause of confusion and disorientation in older people is the side-effects from medication, says Dr Levitin. It is probably not one of the neurodegenerative diseases but an unintended consequence of taking prescribed drugs.

The eyes

Dopamine plays an important role in many processes within the eyes; such as adaptation to light, contrast sensitivity and colour vision[7].

Disorders within the eyes of those suffering from Parkinson's Disease occur because of depletion of the neurotransmitter at the retina; and loss of dopaminergic innervation of the part of the brain known as the visual cortex.

Daily consumption of broad beans would have huge benefits for the sight of patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease by ameliorating this loss of dopamine; from damage to the Substantia Nigra and those cells in the gut.


More than 10% of adults over the age of 50 show signs of anxiety. Researchers publishing in BJGP report that they have more than double the risk of developing Parkinson's Disease[8].

It is purely speculative but there is good reason to believe that those enjoying the precursor of "the happy hormone" from their food may also have protection from their anxiety progressing to full blown PD.

Eggs Parkinson's Disease enjoyed on a regular basis has so many benefits; reduction of anxiety may be one of them.

How to plant broad beans

The biggest hiccough in making Eggs Parkinson's Disease is of course getting a regular-supply; you will probably have to learn how to plant broad beans. It is not difficult but they do need to be staked firmly.

They will grow year-round in a mild climate, but best is to start them in late summer and spring, depending on the climate. Plant half a dozen beans once a month at least if you want a regular supply.

They can be frozen for enjoyment and wellness all year round.

Broad beans supported.

If we all spent more time taking good-care of ourselves and our possessions we would be a lot happier.

Broad beans from just two plantsFirst blanche and then freeze surplus beans

“The civilized-man has a moral obligation to be skeptical, to demand the credentials of all statements that claim to be facts.” 

Bergan Evans

Sugar consumption

A group of neurologists from the RNS hospital in Sydney, Australia compared the diet of a group of their patients suffering from Parkinson's disease, with another cohort of healthy controls.

They found that the Parkinsonian group ate far more free sugars than the controls; 61 vs. 119 grams.

Increased sugar consumption was associated with poorer quality of life and a greater need for levodopa dose requirement[3].

Eggs Parkinson's disease of course contains no free sugars, the emphasis being on resistant starch which instead supplies fibre for the second brain; we postulate a greater production of dopamine from the intestine.

Dopamine produced in the gut

Remember that dopamine is also produced in the gut. The colon is now being called the second-brain. That is the reason we take a homemade probiotic several times a week; these kefir benefits will amaze you.

Parkinsonian medication interferes with vitamin B6 causing a host of problems associated with protein metabolism; notably osteoporosis.

"PD is the world's fastest-growing brain disease; it may be largely preventable."

- Ray Dorsey, MD, professor of neurology, University of Rochester.

Ultrasound ablation of the globus pallidus

Researchers have found that ultrasound ablation of the globus pallidus reduces the motor symptoms of PD. However there were significant adverse events; abnormal gait, dysarthria and sensory disturbance[5].


One of the hallmarks of Parkinson's disease is a tremor, often in the hand but also in the jaw and lower limbs.

"I woke up to find the message in my left hand. It had me trembling. It wasn’t a fax, telegram or memo; or the usual sort of missive bringing disturbing news.

In fact, my hand held nothing at all. The trembling was the message."

- Michael J. Fox

It's a shame that Fox was never told about broad beans.

Low carb breakfasts

Researchers publishing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that folk enjoying a low-carbohydrate breakfast, focused on eggs, had better blood glucose control for the whole day compared to those who ate a typical high starch meal[6]. Eggs with extra fat was better than a muffin or typical cereal.

It would be interesting to speculate how the eggs would have compared with stone-ground grits, both with extra fat; cooked in butter or with added cream.

Links to research


Our newsletter is entitled "create a cyan zone" at your home, preserving both yourself and Mother Earth for future generations; and the family too, of course. We promise not to spam you with daily emails promoting various products. You may get an occasional nudge to buy one of my books.

Here are the back issues.

  • Lifestyle and ideal body weight
  • What are ultra-processed foods?
  • Investing in long-term health
  • Diseases from plastic exposure
  • Intensive lifestyle management for obesity has limited value
  • A world largely devoid of Parkinson's Disease
  • The impact of friendly bacteria in the tum on the prevention of cancer
  • There's a hole in the bucket
  • Everyone is talking about weight loss drugs
  • Pull the sweet tooth
  • If you suffer from heartburn plant a susu
  • Refined maize meal and stunting
  • Should agriculture and industry get priority for water and electricity?
  • Nature is calling
  • Mill your own flour
  • Bake your own sourdough bread
  • Microplastics from our water
  • Alternative types of water storage
  • Wear your clothes out
  • Comfort foods
  • Create a bee-friendly environment
  • Go to bed slightly hungry
  • Keep bees
  • Blue zone folk are religious
  • Reduce plastic waste
  • Family is important
  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
  • Harvest and store sunshine
  • Blue zone exercise
  • Harvest and store your rainwater
  • Create a cyan zone at your home

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