Easy eggplant recipes

Easy eggplant recipes turn this aubergine, garlic and chilli into dynamite.

This dish is really very simple, but beware of it; it could blow your mind. And I must confess it is something of an acquired taste. My son in law calls them Amazon-slugs, but tucks in nevertheless.

I was brought up by a Lebanese nanny, so these odd-ball Mediterranean recipes are rather unconventional to say the least; but delicious, and more important very nutritious. Just look at the ingredients; not one item that's not full of goodness and flavour.

Baby brinjals, also known as eggplant.

This page was last updated by Bernard Preston on 18th May, 2024.

  1. Half a pound of baby-eggplant
  2. Half a dozen cloves of garlic
  3. 1tsp peppadew flakes
  4. 200ml olive-oil.

It's really very simple.

  • Using a sharp knife nip off the stalks and drop your baby eggplant in a pot. Add a cup or two of boiling water and simmer for ten-minutes; soft but not soggy. These are slightly overcooked.

Its chief claim to fame is the cholesterol-lowering properties. You'll find on the shelves of your pharmacy products containing extract of eggplant for your low density lipoprotein. Rather just eat aubergine as we call it in Holland. In South Africa they are known by the Indian name, brinjal.

There are so many foods that lower cholesterol; far better to eat them regularly than take statins with their nasty side-effects; do you have tingling in your legs? Is your husband suffering from impotence? Enjoy rather one of the many easy eggplant recipes.

When you are buying them at your greengrocer, always look for shiny, dark purple-fruit. Once they are old and wrinkled they get an unpleasant bitter taste.

If you are into the low fat philosophy of food, then eggplant is right up your street; it has zero cholesterol. Let it be said up front that I don't belong to that belief; the brain is sixty percent lipid and nerves are wrapped in a myelin-sheath made mainly of oleic acid.

If you're into the low carbohydrate together with high lard food, then there are some question marks. Whilst eggplant is mainly water it does have quite a lot of plant-sugars. But we cook and store it in olive oil, so there's your fat.

I'm not into any of these crazy diets; the fashion changes every week and research proves none of them work in the longer term. Enjoy your carbs, but do avoid those with a high glycemic index; white-rice is top of the pops. It is bad stuff but that should come as no surprise; it is the cause of a very serious disease that killed millions and led to the discovery of the first vitamin.

And don't starve yourself of fat, but do try to get most of it from fruits; avocados, olives and coconuts.

Read more about the discovery of thiamine at this "generalised muscle weakness" page at Site Search above in the main menu; fascinating nutritional history.

The olive and avocado are full of the friendly-fats; remember too that butter is back. Too many polyunsaturates and margarine are now the villains of the piece.

Interestingly mice fed on food that gave them very high cholesterol, and then with an eggplant extract, soon had normalised blood-fats.

Aubergines are particularly rich in anti-oxidants; one of them called nasunin protects the cell membranes of the brain from free radical attack. Enjoy them weekly.

Easy eggplant recipes

Easy eggplant recipes are amongst my all-time favourites but it is admittedly an acquired taste.

  • Peel the garlic and chop the chilies.
  • Use a garlic-press or mortar and pestle to mash them up with a little olive oil; or stick blender. Or just use a teaspoon.
Garlic and chillies for your eggplant recipes.
Pressed garlic and chillie for eggplant.
  • Pour off the water, drain thoroughly and make a small slit in each eggplant.
  • Spoon in a little of the garlic and chilli mix; close.
Adding garlic and chillies to your easy eggplant recipe.
  • Cover your stuffed baby-eggplant with olive oil.
Baby eggplant with garlic and chillie.

Best enjoy your Amazon-slugs on bread or with a salad; dynamite.

If you have to deal with the public, then this is definitely not for lunch during the week.

Provided your stuffed eggplants are covered with olive oil, they will keep for several-weeks in the fridge; those above need more. When they are finished, use the oil for the next batch of easy eggplant recipes; or just enjoy it as a salad dressing.


This goulash must be the easiest of our aubergine recipes. Just toss the ingredients in a pot and simmer for 30-minutes on low heat.  More "EGGPLANT RECIPES" including one for Ratatouille.

Copy and paste into this search engine for more information.

Baba ghanoush

BABA GHANOUSH[4] is a great favourite at our green-home; simply drop an eggplant onto the BBQ whenever you are enjoying an outdoor braai, as we call it in South Africa. 

This delicious side-dish I discovered not from my nanny but a tiny authentic Lebanese restaurant on the harbour front in Rotterdam. Most of the port-city was bombed out during WW II but the unique Delfthaven wharf somehow survived. It is well worth a visit if you are ever in Holland.

There are few more painful conditions than a slipped disc in the neck with radiating pain down the upper limb. Tingling in arms and hands, especially at night is a feature.

It is a condition that responds to our care, but each and every case needs to be very carefully managed. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Anti-inflammatory foods like olive oil and chili have a part to play, so make more easy eggplant recipes.


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  • Microplastics from our water
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  • What can go in compost?
  • Grow broad beans for longevity
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  • Create a cyan zone at your home

Fried eggplant dip

It's always fun to try something different. Having made your easy eggplant recipe, try dipping the slice into this condiment. Mix together these ingredients.

  • 1 tsp sesame-oil; I get it off the top of tahini.
  • 2 TBSP soy-sauce
  • 1 TBSP of finely chopped-chives.

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My books are available from Amazon on Kindle.

Interesting links

  1. Eggplant benefits
  3. Fried eggplant recipe
  4. Baba Ghannoush. Web: https://tinyurl.com/sk5cct9f


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