A carrot smoothie is rich in beta-carotenes; they are profoundly important for our wellness.
Smoothies in general are often quite high in natural plant-sugars. It is a good idea to take a short walk afterwards or your blood glucose may shoot into the stratosphere; if you are insulin resistant.
After exercise those sugars are sucked up by the liver, being instead turned into glycogen.
To test is not difficult; two pricks of the finger. Borrow a glucometer, enjoy a carrot smoothie and measure your blood-sugar half an hour later, after sitting at your computer. Repeat again on another day, taking a short walk instead. Is there a significant difference?
A random blood-glucose test should be less than 7.8 or 200 in America; if it's higher it means you ought to be evaluated by your doctor.
This simple test could literally save your life; the virus is targeting those who are insulin-resistant. Smoothies without exercise could actually contribute to your demise.
Having said that I enjoy a smoothie most mornings despite being pre-diabetic. Make sure you are active after all sweet or starchy meals.
Toss all the ingredients into a tall container and use a stick-blender.
Do not strain it; the pulp is an excellent prebiotic.
Take a ten-minute walk.
Beta-carotenes contribute in many ways to our wellbeing, not least of which is good eyesight, a clear skin and a normal immune system; they will give us protection against invading viruses and bacteria. That is not unimportant in these times.
They also contribute by giving us protection against malignant-tumours; in short, carrot smoothies are not small beer. We call them functional foods; they promote wellness and help prevent disease.
Without beta-carotenes from our food we would literally die. Whilst a serious deficiency is rare since they are found in many vegetables and fruit, a moderate shortage is really very common; because of a lack of sufficient yellow and orange dishes in the modern grocery store diet.
The beta-carotenes in your carrot smoothie are converted to vitamin A in the liver.
Once you are in the groove you can make most smoothies in five-minutes or less. Drop in a leaf of arugula or parsley for a variation. I am firmly committed to the understanding that we either take a little time to prepare nutritious food, or we spend far more consulting doctors and swallowing pills.
For heaven's sake do not think you can cheat on the five minutes and swallow your beta-carotene in a pill; they actually raise the spectre of malignant tumours in some people. Let your food be your medicine, said Hippocrates. He was correct then and it is still relevant today.
Natural honey alas is difficult to get unless you know a small keeper; the stuff you find in the supermarket is a poor shadow of the real McCoy, highly-refined and often adulterated. It has over 30 phytonutrients from the flowers plus substances added by the bees; all contribute to our wellness.
But it does contain simple sugars; I recommend no more than perhaps three teaspoons a day unless you are physically very active.
You can use liquid, runny honey or the crystallized version in your carrot smoothie.
Ginger, cinnamon and turmeric are included in your carrot smoothie for a very important reason. They help us control blood-sugar; if we enjoy them daily in our food we will be far better off, and it is so easy.
As I write on 5th August, 2021 we are in the midst of rheumatic-fever week. Just like the extreme cytokine storm after exposure to the coronavirus, it is this same abnormal immune reaction to the streptococcus bacterium that upsets the applecart. It is a common complication of those living with raised blood sugar.
Enjoying ginger and turmeric with your food, and taking a short walk after starchy meals is an important part of the solution. Researchers have proved that most type-2 diabetics can put their disease entirely into remission using only food as medicine; using no drugs whatsoever.
Rheumatic heart disease kills an estimated 300,000 people every year, and the current respiratory virus has already doubled that; avoiding refined carbohydrate is an important link in the equation.
Whatever you do, please don't strain or filter your carrot smoothie. All that fibre is a very important prebiotic for the bugs in the colon. It passes through the small intestine undigested and becomes food for the normal flora; those teeming billions of bacteria, viruses and yeasts in the lower bowel that are indispensable to sparkling well-being.
If you insist on it being very smooth, then just blend it for a little longer.
Your carrot smoothie is high in natural sugars so take a short walk after breakfast; or park your car at the far end of the lot and use the stairs.
Breakfast enriched with something like this carrot smoothie will give you plenty of energy and nutrients for the day. The fibre will also help keep you regular; those who suffer from constipation will know what I am talking about.
A carrot smoothie is a great way to start the day.
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